Only the best materials

Our products are made from a single very thin fiberglass strand. Although less than 0.1 mm thick, our technology makes it very strong and cannot be easily broken.

Our manufacturing technology is a fusion of craftsmanship and machinery. Our craftsmen manufacture each product by delicately controlling the conditions of the yarn, which vary depending on the temperature and weather conditions of the day. The fusion of human and machine hands produces one-of-a-kind products that are never the same in this world.

Each is carefully hand-drawn in Japan. The entire product is custom-made to match the spherical shape of the company's sade, giving it a beautiful spherical shape like a full moon floating in the night sky.

The shades are inspected in detail by human eyes and hands to ensure that defects in materials such as threads and resins, as well as stains after completion of the shade, are not overlooked. Each completed shade is carefully brushed in the finishing department to remove any stains. Finally, the finished cades are checked by the inspection department and shipped.
Only the best materials